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Improv & Comedy Classes in Richmond, Virginia

Whether new to comedy or an experienced improviser we have classes for you! Our faculty is trained to teach all ages and make our classes accessible to all. Our improv teachers have a wealth of knowledge and training. We develop curriculum to be inclusive of those on the autism spectrum and other disabilities.

Questions? Email us


Adult Intro to Improv:

Mar 23, 4-530pm,

600 E. Grace Street


Interested in improv? Come join us for a Pay-What-You Will intro to improv class. This is a fun low-pressure way to try out improv! No experience is required to come learn and laugh. We'll explore the idea of "Yes, And" and connection all while having fun.

Drop in Improv Class Icon

Improv Story of the Scene

Mondays, 7-9pm, 5-Weeks

Starting June 2!


Dive further into improv with story of the scene. Storytelling is at the base of all improv. In this class we will take a look at stories, and storytelling, and how that works into our improv scene work. We will explore sustaining stories and character, while weaving a well-constructed narrative, and learn structural tools to advance our improv

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